Great Content Translates to Success for Conversis
Accurate translation is an essential requirement for global brands. But in reality, it isn’t a C-level concern. When it comes to translation, most C-level managers only want three things—get it done, get it done right, and get it done cost effectively.
The pressure falls on the marketing, web and communication managers to make it happen. And when multiple languages are involved, quality assurance is a very challenging issue. Even the most hands-on managers must rely on others when they don’t know a foreign language—and a serious mistake in translation always causes head to roll.
Conversis, a UK- based translation and localization company, wanted to take the fear out of translation management, and to build trust that would lead to long-term relationships. Our solution was to develop a series of translation management primers for each of the EU languages.
These short downloadable eBooks all had the same title, except for the language each book addressed. Everything you wanted to know about French translation but were afraid to ask. Everything you wanted to know about German translation but were afraid to ask (you get the picture).
We combined humor with very real issues that were unique to each language. These primers soon became the most downloaded resources on the Conversis site, generating hundreds of queries each month and, more importantly, qualified leads.
Today, Conversis is a major player in the language industry. Great translation work is the primary reason the company has grown so successfully, but great content also fueled the journey every step of the way.