Welcome to Burns 360


What’s new?
Our entire brand.

Welcome to our new website. Our new name. Our new logo. Our new future. After nearly 28 years in business, Michael A. Burns & Associates has now become Burns360.

Our new name reflects our ability to provide a full array of communication services—not just PR. We now offer expanded digital marketing, social media, content marketing, SEO and other web-based and creative services to help B2B companies achieve their marketing goals.

We wanted you to be one of the first to know. If you’re here, it’s because you’ve played an important role in helping us get to where we are today. We also wanted to show how digital marketing can help you reach your targets in more personalized ways than ever before. Like, for example, this dedicated landing page announcing a new brand to old friends.



Our Expanded Services


Public Relations

Build awareness.
Enhance credibility.

Digital Marketing

Drive traffic.
Convert buyers.


Engage followers.
Amplify messaging.


Content Marketing

Attract buyers.
Prove capabilities.


Define proposition.
Differentiate value.

Creative Services

Ignite interest.
Inspire followup.